13 min read
17 Aug

Job Interviews: It's Not Just About Them, It's About You Too!

We all know job interviews can be nerve-wracking. You're under the microscope, trying to prove you're the perfect asset for the company. But here's the secret: interviews are a two-way street. They're not just an opportunity for the company to assess your skills and experience, but also a chance for you to discover if this is the right fit.Think about it. As you answer questions about your strengths and weaknesses, you gain valuable self-awareness.

Explaining your past achievements helps you recognize your own value. And discussing your career goals forces you to collaborate with your future self!So next time you're prepping for an interview, don't just focus on impressing them. Use it as a chance to grow and learn about yourself too. 

Oh, and to help you navigate this exciting journey, we've put together a handy PDF with 50 essential vocabulary words. Download it now and boost your confidence!

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